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The News

Updates on the gif'd project!

Obstacles, milestones, and future plans.

The Experiment Begins!

Oct 2nd, 2020

My dream site is finally up-and-running!

This is a website where anyone can suggest an animated GIF they would like to see, and just a few hours later it will probably be up on the website!

A well-crafted 2D animated GIF drawn frame-by-frame...

I call this website an "experiment" because it could easily become too overwhelming to maintain at some point.

At first, no one will notice it's here, like anything else. Then, one day, a thousand requests will come in all at once because the link was posted somewhere with lots of viewers. And I am only one person! I can only create these at a certain pace...

So we'll see if the website is always open for requests, or if I'll close requests for periods of time while I catch up with the demand. Or perhaps I'll just keep plodding along, one animation at a time, even if I have a backlog of a thousand years... we'll see.

Perhaps you can help me out by not requesting more than one thing at a time! Or maybe waiting until the number of pending requests is less than 10 before you add your request.

And if you can afford to donate to the cause, I would really appreciate it! I would be totally satisfied to do this as my full-time work if I had enough support. :)

Oct 2nd, 2020